MIAPPE Checklist Data Model v1.1 Proposal

RFC2 Closed

The second Request For Comments (RFC) is now closed.

The comments have been gathered in thegithub issue tracker and are curently being commented and taken into account in MIAPPE v1.1. We would like to thanks all contributor for their help.

The proposed MIAPPE (Minimal Information About A Plant Phenotyping Experiment) Checklist and Data Model v1.1 is a revision to the MIAPPE v1.0 standard published in 2016. It extends MIAPPE v1.0 and contains specific recommendations as to how the MIAPPE principles should be applied to various types of experiments and material.

Responses to a first set of comments have been integrated during the second quarter of 2018. A second Request For Comments (rfc2) is now opened for consultation, and we welcome contributions from anyone with interest in the field.

Feedback can be provided through the following process:

Read the document (PDF or Excel), and prepare a review using the following format. Please include the line numbers as written in the document ( #DM-1 to #DM-96 for the first sheet, #ENV-1 to #ENV-48 for the second, ect…).

  1. General comment: e,g, MIAPPE v1.1 addresses well the case of ... but could be improved .....
  2. line #DM-1: Improve description: "Environment and phenotype traits must be described following …" and we need one or more examples
  3. line #ENV-48 : propose one more recommended environment variable : ....

Then send the review by email to miappe-feedback@ebi.ac.uk, by directly creating an issue on our public GitHub tracker or directly vote or comment on existing issues. All feedback will be traced as Github issues. The issues will be reorganised and merged when relevant. Feel free to comment on the results.

Please submit your feedback by the end of September 2018, in order that we can prepare a revised proposal in accordance with the comments, prior to ratification by the MIAPPE steering committee.

Please share this request with anyone who you know who might be interested in contributing. All contributions will be discussed by the MIAPPE team, and responded to in writing, and contributors will be credited on www.miappe.org. All contributors will also be invited to participate in the writing of a paper to publicise the revised version of the standard.

Development of MIAPPE is an open process, so if you would like to do more than just comment, and to participate in the ongoing development, please let us know via miappe-feedback@ebi.ac.uk.

RFC 1 Closed

A proposal has been made to extend the MIAPPE v1.0 specification. This document is now available here, in PDF and Google Docs formats. The proposal is now open for consultation, and we welcome contributions from anyone with interest in the field.

Feedback can be provided in a number of ways:

  1. Comment directly on the proposal in Google docs. We will try to leave comments up for as long as possible to facilitate discussion, but will harvest comments from the document if necessary to prevent it from becoming unwieldy.
  2. Read the document (as PDF, or in Google docs), and feedback via email. Please use miappe-feedback@ebi.ac.uk for this purpose.
  3. Feedback via our public github tracker, at https://github.com/MIAPPE/MIAPPE-checklist/issues. This will also be set up shortly.

We would like to encourage feedback by the end of January 2018, in order that we can prepared a revised proposal in accordance with the comments (and take further feedback prior to eventual ratification by the MIAPPE steering committee).

Please share this request with anyone who you know who might be interested in contributing. We request that individuals do not comment anonymously. All contributions will be discussed by the development team, and responded to in writing, and contributors will be credited on www.miappe.org. All contributors will also be invited to participate in the writing of a paper to publicise the final standard.

Responses to comments will be prepared by the development team via remote discussion (email and meetings). Development of MIAPPE is an open process, so if you would like to do more than just comment, and to participate in these meetings, please let us know via miappe-feedback@ebi.ac.uk